Experience competitive
dancing like never before!
Pro-Am competition is a category in DanceSport where amateur students partner with a professional dancer, similar to what you see on “Dancing With The Stars.” Pro-Am is an excellent way to excel your dance skill level while also giving you a unique dance experience. Having a professional as your partner helps maintain your discipline and help control your nerves. Also, because competition dancing is so goal orientated, the speed in which you learn increases dramatically with constant direction from a professional partner in your dance lessons. In these events only the amateur is being judged, leaving the professional free to concentrate on helping you look and dance your best! There are several age classifications and level divisions available, allowing professionals to dance with all their students, and to ensure you compete against other dancers of similar skill. Every dance style is available, including Latin, Rhythm, Smooth, Nightclub and Ballroom Dance, so you can choose the dances you want to compete in.